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In 2020 we need you to look out for us so we can look out for you!

Dr. Roseann opened the practice 2 years ago in July. It has been an AMAZING 2 years serving our long time friends and patients and meeting some of you for the first time.

BAD NEWS: 2020 has presented challenges to so many small businesses in Boise and we are among them.

GOOD NEWS: We don't plan on going anywhere, we love what we have created here and love serving YOU!

IMPORTANT NEWS: You can help us weather the storm of COVID 19 in several ways!

  1. Talk about us!!! In person, online, tag us, post us, whatever it takes to get the word out that You found a Dental family that you trust and love working with.

  2. Send your friends and family in for Dental Care! (We have a great referral plan so tell them to mention your name!)

  3. Write a review online so our neighbors can find us too! Google Review

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1 commento

Ellis, Sioux
10 giu 2020

Well, I was fortunate not to get the virus! I and would love to see you again. I guess I should call for an appointment!


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